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OTR 2022
Scum Ridge Caving Club
Scum Ridge Caving Club (SRCC) holds our annual meeting at Old Timers Reunion in Dailey, West Virginia.
It has been three years since the Old Timers held their Reunion.
The land we love is still as beautiful as we remember it.
Kind stewards of the property have been caring for it as if it was their own, while we have been gone.
The Seventy-first Old Timers Reunion will commence Thursday, September 1, 2022 at noon.
Welcome home.
From OTR.org:
In 2022, OTR will be celebrating our 71th Reunion. First and foremost,
OTR is an event where friends come together to enjoy each other's fellowship and the common interest of caving.
We have missed our reunion the past two years so the theme of this year's OTR is really NO THEME.
We will be celebrating our Caver Family being able to gather together!
There will be contests, there will be music and there will be refreshments!
The OTR calendar is proof that the party is picking up right where we left off.
Check it out: https://otr.org/
Scum Ridge Caving Club will host a canopy and common area with picnic tables set up in the usual spot.
We will hold our annual business meeting on Sunday, September 4, 2022 at noon.
On September 2, Saturday night we will host a pot luck under the canopy for all who would like to break bread with us.
Please bring a dish meant to share, including side, dessert, protein, or beverage.
Of course Scum Ridge Girls will be manning the gate on Friday afternoon, from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
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